Theirs was ethnocentrism in its unadulterated form.
But Midnight couldn't remember any of the spell's mystical symbols, and realized that the incantation had come to her in pure, unadulterated form.
White, who grew up on a pumpkin farm in southern New Jersey, was raised on good food, in its unadulterated form.
Ouspensky was given the task of bringing these ideas to a wider audience in an unadulterated form by Gurdjieff.
It was the "truth of the situation in South Vietnam" coming to light in pure, unadulterated form, and this the Front didn't want.
Cerol, in unadulterated form, could produce total paralysis of the body and its functions, resulting in death.
My family saga in its pure, unadulterated form.
Rare is the compound, companies argue, that in unadulterated form would become the next wonder drug or other commercial bonanza.
Here, as always, Mr. Shanley's philosophical ruminations do not benefit by being presented in unadulterated form.
Certainly Mr. Doonan is old enough, at 52, to have encountered high-camp drollery in its early and unadulterated form.