In fact, the movie transforms this girlfriend from Molly Millions into "Jane", as the film rights to Molly were owned by a company unaffiliated with the film's producers.
The GLBA permits sharing of personal information between companies joined together or affiliated as well as those companies unaffiliated.
The Court did not say whether its decision would also bar states from reviewing the prudence of investments by unaffiliated companies in a single power plant when the Federal agency regulates wholesale sales among the companies.
At least six have been made by corporations in the course of buying previously unaffiliated companies.
The SunSmart sticks are not to be confused with SunSmart children's swimwear, made by an unaffiliated Canadian company that sells its suits online at sunsmart.
The bill allows consumers to "opt out" of disclosure of private information to unaffiliated companies.
They're claiming that the warehouse was leased last year to an unaffiliated company.
Late in the day the company said it was in preliminary talks involving a possible business combination with an unaffiliated privately held company.
There is also another smaller unaffiliated company with the same name that is based in Portugal.
Butterfield Overland Mail (an unaffiliated company with similar name)