Here he could forget all else and immerse himself in the pure, unalloyed joy of discovery.
It ranged from unalloyed joy to cautious, almost noncommittal comment.
Whereas his vanquishing of her is an unalloyed joy simply in itself.
"We didn't go to movies when we were children, so the fact that I'm now in a movie is not necessarily a source of unalloyed joy."
"But in this case there is nothing but unalloyed joy."
Moss surveyed the pile with something less than joy unalloyed.
Max's unalloyed joy was a pleasure in itself.
By then, a sense of unalloyed joy has spread throughout tîÅ theater.
She was safe, he thought, and felt a pang of unalloyed joy.
Tony had been secretly frightened at the thought of going away to university, but he quickly found that campus life was unalloyed joy.