He too knew the words, but that did not change one unalterable fact.
The unalterable fact was that in the eyes of the outside world, she was an island girl.
But it wasn't a plan because- there was the unalterable fact that the ship had gotten away; Derrel had won.
"The unalterable fact is that the decision by the Department of Justice to indict the entire firm has changed the landscape for all parties involved."
Margarite was left with this one unalterable fact: in order to escape, she would have to kill him.
He could barely accept the unalterable facts intellectually, let alone emotionally.
The unalterable fact is the Grays now know we have a defense against their beam weapons.
But that I had sired their short-lived half brother was an unalterable fact.
But to these committee members, they remain unalterable facts, simple if not pure.
Arafat's status as the elected leader is a matter of unalterable fact.