Observations unambiguously show the Antarctic Peninsula to be warming.
After I made several phone calls to La Paz, the agency sent me a copy of the credit slip, which showed unambiguously a refund of $289.70.
In 2004 radial velocity measurements showed unambiguously that the transiting body is indeed a planet.
However he held that such evidence was inadmissible since the letter to Mr. Purkayastha unambiguously showed that the committee had misdirected itself.
While the compound does induce ion-fluxes in vesicles, the data does not unambiguously show channel formation (as opposed to other transport mechanisms; see Mechanism).
It is also possible, they say, that a diver could raise a part tomorrow that would unambiguously show bomb damage.
The new Nook port shows unambiguously that Android 3.0 doesn't require bank-breaking specs.
Some Indologists have noted that "there is no textual evidence in the early literary traditions unambiguously showing a trace" of an Indo-Aryan migration.
Last year's report shows unambiguously that the North Gas Pipeline will have a negative impact.