"Larry does not bring a unanimous consensus," one partner said.
There is not unanimous consensus whether this section belongs to the main body of the text or it is an early addition.
There are some issues which may seem to be without controversy, appearing to be backed by a broad or even unanimous consensus of opinion.
"It was the unanimous consensus of all the towns participating in the district that the time had come for much-needed change."
Committee members said there was a unanimous consensus that the property should be for housing.
Ultimately, the conference ended without reaching a unanimous consensus, but the Citadel plan remained in effect.
But I found a unanimous consensus against even a small amount.
We are delighted that there was an almost unanimous consensus, however, on the new practical approach to the general discharge.
Here I too find it positive that there is unanimous consensus about including the social protocol and new provisions on employment in the treaty.
At the time, the Imperial government could only mobilize the military if the cabinet ministers came to a unanimous consensus on the order.