Last October, it unanimously gave landmark status to the building and - over the strenuous objections of the owner - to the Four Seasons.
The 9 parents on the 14-member committee unanimously gave a no-confidence vote to Cirino Lombard, last year's acting principal.
On Saturday, the party's general council unanimously gave her power to form "new alliances depending on the evolving political situation."
The directors unanimously gave the chief executive a vote of confidence yesterday before the company's shareholders meeting, according to a Vivendi spokesman.
The leadership unanimously gave permission and word was sent out to all Republican units in the North to encourage as many people as possible to participate.
Mia proposes that the law on royal marriages be abolished, and Parliament unanimously gives its assent.
Specifically, they were told to unanimously give the correct response or unanimously give the incorrect response.
The results of this election were then submitted to all affiliated Associations which unanimously gave their approval by mail.
As planned, the actors gave unanimously wrong answers in some instances and unanimously correct answers in others.
These unanimously gave Murat and his rough escort a wide berth.