I object to the fact that an unarmed prisoner was murdered.
And they would likely be paying more attention to their Corasian hosts than to a sorry group of unarmed prisoners.
The unarmed, half-starved prisoners managed to thwart Hitler's wonder weapon plan.
You'd also best remind each of your rankers that these are the same men who shot shackled and unarmed prisoners.
"As I expect he would have applauded had he seen you shoot an unarmed prisoner in the face."
Here's another video where he talks about the execution of unarmed prisoners.
Most of those killed were unarmed prisoners, boys and men, shot in groups, or sometimes one by one.
Each of the unarmed prisoners received one and a short lesson in firing techniques.
A few soldiers said that they had witnessed the execution of unarmed prisoners.
I have never fired on an unarmed prisoner," he said angrily, "but so help me, I will this time.