In another, witnesses say an officer shot a young unarmed suspect in the back as the boy stumbled through a doorway - an account the police dispute.
The police said the unarmed suspect had forced the victim off the building's elevator and into the basement where he raped and assaulted her.
They are accused of planting guns at crime scenes or on suspects, shooting unarmed suspects and giving false statements to cover up their actions.
Police were accused of killing unarmed suspects in staged shootouts and burning thousands of dead bodies to cover up the murders.
It also prohibited the shooting of unarmed youths under 16, unarmed criminal suspects and anyone fleeing the police, unless there was a deadly threat.
Known for his bad temper, he'd gotten into serious trouble when he'd killed an unarmed suspect.
Put in a report and it got cited at one of his IA reviews-the one where he popped the unarmed suspect.
In a subplot, Pembleton investigates what appears to be the police shooting of an unarmed suspect.
The officers are accused of planting "throw-down" guns at crime scenes, shooting unarmed suspects and giving false statements to investigators to cover up their actions.
So far more than a dozen officers have been dismissed or suspended from duty after one of them confessed to shooting, then framing, an unarmed suspect.