Colin closed those eyes with gentle fingers, and unashamed tears streaked his cheeks.
The usual, predictable speeches were made, the most eloquent being a brief address by Colombia's Attorney General, who shed unashamed tears for his friend and college classmate.
There were unashamed tears in Lindsey's eyes as she sat back on her heels, staring into Niall's sweat-filmed face.
"This is still another crime to be laid at the monsters' door," Sir Gavlok said, knuckling away unashamed tears.
He wanted to cry then, unashamed tears.
Close to unashamed tears, he asked us all to adore the blue vase that laziness and stupidity had almost let slip from the world.
S'lel was at least honestly distressed, while unashamed tears streaked down C'gan's homely face as he knelt, hands hovering hopelessly over his wingleader's body.
Their hands gripped, unashamed tears were in their eyes.
I still love Adrian and wept real, unashamed tears when he was diagnosed with cancer.
Lola shrieked; and, breaking into unashamed and unrestrained tears, went into her husband's extended arms.