He suddenly meets Gabriella Gruber, an ambitious yet unassuming woman, recently graduated from a Fashion Design school.
Still, this odd, unassuming woman had proven her genius time and again.
Fred is also portrayed as an innocent, unassuming young woman which often leads people to underestimate her.
Ms. Welch, a small, unassuming woman in her 30's, was fresh out of the academy when she was assigned to the 71st Precinct in October 1991.
What happened next is unclear, but Ms. Allak, whom neighbors described as a quiet and unassuming woman, became pregnant.
Your story "The Stain" is about an unassuming, slightly odd young woman in an English village who goes to work as...
The house was large, the rooms lofty, and the landings wide; and the two unassuming women scarcely made a perceptible addition to its contents.
She seems to be an unassuming woman, but on this she is pure energy.
By comparison, Britain's first lady, Norma Major, is a quiet, unassuming woman who almost squirmed with discomfort when her husband became Prime Minister.
All the while, in his own heart, he held the growing wonder of this unassuming young woman and the mounting intensity of his feelings for her.