He was an unattached man, so there is less sensation than would otherwise be the case.
For unattached men, it's probably more of an issue more of the time.
"The handsomest unattached man in the Weyr and she's blind."
Well" said Anne, "there are three unattached and intelligent men in the house at the present time.
It is difficult for an unattached man and woman to travel through the countryside.
She wants lots of people around, lots of single, unattached men.
For single, unattached men and women the incidence of multiple, simultaneous relationships is undoubtedly even higher.
There were lots of roving unattached men in Atlantic City.
There had been a fight between two of the unattached men, neither of whom I favored.
There were five unattached men, and to none of them was I in any way drawn.