Recycled sheets no longer have the mottled, unattractive appearance of the past.
Some fail because of unattractive presentation, ineffective marketing and, occasionally, too few personal appearances if a personality is involved.
The hotel compensated for its unattractive appearance by offering a high standard of comfort and service.
Worry was considered by Woman's magazine to be the main cause of an unattractive appearance.
Dunstan then makes love to Liesl, and despite her unattractive appearance, he calls it the most healing experience of his life.
She had very intelligent eyes, a hard mouth and no color in her cheeks, which gave her a very unattractive appearance.
Although the milk has already been heated, somehow it begins to separate slightly, giving the finished soup a distinctly unattractive appearance.
Her unattractive appearance and lack of income were contributing factors, as was her advanced age.
Despite her rather unattractive appearance due to extensive "jumboisation" in Bremerhaven in 1986.
Prosecutors also felt Johnson never actually loved Beard due to their large age difference and his overweight, unattractive appearance.