Furthermore, in developing countries, land tenure is often ambiguous, which can make investment an unattractive prospect for funding agencies-they want to be sure they know where their money is going.
Though not necessarily catastrophic, that was a most unattractive prospect; Acting Captain Lee spent much of his time thinking of ways to avoid it.
Lacking a clear career structure, and appearing to offer the somewhat unattractive prospect of long hours and low pay, retail was hardly a first choice career option for most young people.
Employees should understand the various forms of relocation assistance which may be given and what terms are available under the redundancy clause should moving remain an unattractive prospect.
An unattractive prospect.
Imperviousness to change is not an unattractive prospect, especially to those who can recall the glee with which modern architects wielded the wrecking ball in the name of progress.
Private school had crossed her mind, but she and her husband would have had to work more and see their children less, an unattractive prospect.
A major counteroffensive would almost certainly require a large addition to the 138,000 troops in Iraq, an unattractive prospect to politicians of any stripe.
That is an unattractive prospect, if we are going to have, through budgetary constraints, to retreat from the original ambition of the plan that we set forward.
As she sat there weeping at the very unattractive prospect I'd described, I reached into my pocket for the money I'd withdrawn from the bank earlier that day.