You will not make unauthorized works from or conduct unauthorized distribution of the Linden Software.
The criteria might look at whether there are reliable indications that a particular institution's plans are effective in combating the unauthorized distribution of copyrighted material.
An institution must add to this list information regarding institutional policies and sanctions related to the unauthorized distribution of copyrighted material.
But trademark laws have proven ineffective because they protect companies only from the importing of counterfeit goods, not the unauthorized distribution of products.
The unauthorized distribution of the paper illustrates how easy it has become to circumvent efforts to prevent the transfer of technology from country to country.
Nor should unauthorized distribution of confidential information, in itself, be considered a conflict of interest.
The publishers group commissioned several studies on the issue, including one that concluded no practical way exists to "unilaterally prevent" unauthorized distribution of books.
He said he would punish any unauthorized distribution or publication.
The trouble is, trademark law protects luxury-goods companies against the importation of counterfeit goods, not unauthorized distribution of products made themselves.
Sharman also said it would take steps to prevent unauthorized distribution of material through Kazaa.