Israeli authorities said they were alerted by aviation officials in Cyprus that the plane was on an unauthorized flight.
If necessary, I'll insist on grounding all unauthorized flights.
In the last month and a half, the United States has confirmed more than 200 unauthorized flights.
The articles of war were perfectly clear about unauthorized flights.
That 17-M did take off from our Congo encampment that night, at exactly 3.27, on an unauthorized flight.
This resolution prohibited unauthorized military flights in Bosnian airspace.
Because the purpose of the operation was to monitor, rather than prevent, unauthorized flights, participating aircraft were only authorized to use force in self-defense.
What fool would risk everything they had built for so long in such secrecy to make an unauthorized flight?
The Ethiopian attacks on the airports were due to claims the airports had recently been used for "unauthorized flights."
The colonels had to withdraw due to the unauthorized flight of many of the Cossacks.