"unauthorized modification of computer material."
Authentication prevents unauthorized modification and other DoS attacks.
A loss of integrity is the unauthorized modification or destruction of information.
Tampering is generally malicious, to gain control over some aspect of the software with an unauthorized modification that alters the software program code and behaviour.
Ohio.gov will follow Ohio state laws that require the establishment of reasonable precautions to prevent personal information from unauthorized modification, destruction, use, or disclosure.
Marina Stavrakas' unauthorized modifications to the Descartes Team's original brain box design had gone far deeper than he'd first realized.
The attribute also provides security against unauthorized modification.
Any unauthorized modification of data, whether deliberate or accidental, is a breach of data integrity.
But another inspector general's audit, last summer, found the system to be largely dysfunctional because of user errors and unauthorized modifications.
Correct processing in applications is essential in order to prevent errors and to mitigate loss, unauthorized modification or misuse of information.