In Victorian times, it was a trysting place in a remote corner of the estate, where young (and not so young) couples could meet for unauthorized purposes.
Top United Way executives were convicted in 1995 on criminal charges of using the charity's money for unauthorized purposes, like trips, gifts and apartments.
Mr. Smith also expressed concern that the technology used in such weapons might be diverted for unauthorized purposes.
Previous United Nations agreements on drugs, adopted in 1961 and 1971, sought to prevent the diversion of legal drugs for illegal or unauthorized purposes.
Government ethics regulations prohibit employees from using Government E-mail systems for unauthorized purposes.
Why was I enjoined silence to others, on the subject of this admonition, unless it were for some unauthorized and guilty purpose?
The report does not charge that either official used the planes for unauthorized purposes.
For example, the indictment alleged that officials withheld pre-need funds from trust and insurance accounts and removed funds from existing accounts for unauthorized purposes.
Information provided to the U.S. Department of the Treasury regarding arbitrary fees, payments for unauthorized purposes, or other possible violations will be handled confidentially.
Misappropriating Facebook's intellectual property or using Facebook for an unauthorized commercial purpose is in breach of the Terms of Use.