These calls used an unauthorized recording of Kleeb's voice which allegedly distorted his views, and were often made in the middle of the night.
His unauthorized, and sometimes very candid, recording was going to make him some serious money from the gossip shows.
An unauthorized recording of their performance was later released on bootleg cassette and sold 200,000 copies.
Coltrane's concert, television and radio performances generated dozens of unauthorized and bootleg recordings.
He then obtained an injunction that for a time blocked the sale of unauthorized recordings of the speech.
Court findings were in favor of allowing the release of unauthorized recordings clearly marked as "unauthorised".
Trafficking in unauthorized sound recordings is a violation of federal copyright law as well as a felony in more than 30 states.
Bootlegs are unauthorized recordings, mostly of live performances, that were never meant to be released by musicians and their labels.
Didn't he know that the FBI arrested people for doing unauthorized recording?
Floyd denied any knowledge of the unauthorized recordings and said she couldn't believe her trusted asset would say such a thing about her.