The maximum fine for unauthorized reproduction of material in Egypt is the equivalent of about $62.
Intellectual property law criminalizes the unauthorized reproduction of certain kinds of commercial information, like trade secrets or copyrighted music, films and software files.
The value of this intellectual property is derived from legal protection against unauthorized reproduction.
Those favouring a broad interpretation of fair dealing argue there ought to be reasonable unauthorized reproduction of works because it facilitates creativity and free expression.
As I have already said, people who use peer-to-peer technology for the unauthorized reproduction or distribution of copyrighted works are breaking the law.
Federal law provides severe civil and criminal penalties for the unauthorized reproduction, distribution or exhibition of copyrighted material.
Warning: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal.
She's always on the lookout for unauthorized reproductions; increasingly, she is finding them.
If the museum wins, photos of buildings in a skyline could technically be protected against unauthorized reproductions, Mr. Fahrenkopf added.
The King kept the font as a monopoly to himself, with penalties against unauthorized reproduction.