"Come back after," an Afghan said, taking leave from a visitor and shrugging uneasily in response to the unavoidable question.
The unavoidable question of Orson Welles's life has always been: What went wrong?
It raised the unavoidable question, Had we made the best choices?
And to the unavoidable question why Israel just not withdraw to these borders?
These are gnawing, unavoidable questions, which, like some historicizing Sisyphus, we turn over endlessly and vainly in our minds.
It is an important and unavoidable question.
As a fillip, there is, with Mr. Tenet, an unavoidable question of "tell when."
That is what makes the expression a ready-made and noncommittal (and indeed noncommittable) response to a variety of unavoidable questions, including "How are you?"
It begs the simple but unavoidable question - surely quite literally everyone on the...
Rather, Ms. Riefenstahl has spent a lifetime distancing herself from even the most unavoidable questions about the implications of her work.