For example, in a new Reuters/Ipsos poll, Americans by a three-to-one margin prefer a balanced approach to the Republican unbalanced approach.
US ambassador Warren Tichenor said the Council's unbalanced approach had "squandered its credibility" by failing to address continued rocket attacks against Israel.
Rectification of this unbalanced approach is overdue and should be brought to the attention of management and to politicians who reorganise the health service.
Such an unbalanced approach to job creation represents yet another example of how ideology has come to replace sound policy making in the Bush administration.
Andy Burnham - Its unbalanced approach to public spending.
The regulation demonstrates a completely unbalanced approach to environmental and industrial development.
So, Mr Evans rightly referred to the need for fair treatment, for a bilateral but not unbalanced approach: if we are behaving ourselves, the others should behave as well.
I say this is an unbalanced approach.
Firstly, in my opinion the Union - and particularly our Parliament - has for five years had a partial and unbalanced approach to the Yugoslav crisis.
"It may be easy to look to the board's rank-and-file workers to save money, but it's an unfair and unbalanced approach," Mr. Vallone said.