As you are likely aware, in order to have a change in velocity, an unbalanced force is required.
The car is accelerating, due to the unbalanced force, which causes it to move in a circle.
There was no unbalanced force to send me across space-time.
The Qliphoth are the unbalanced force of a particular sephirah.
We do not find a coherent explanation of what an unbalanced force is, or why it is important.
Overall, it is the "net" unbalanced force that will cause the object to move or change its state of motion.
To my knowledge, in physics, there is no such thing called an unbalanced force.
This occurs despite such free objects never being subjected to an unbalanced force.
So when they were pressurized, there was an unbalanced force pushing along the beam line.
The acceleration is equal to the unbalanced force divided by the mass.