He thrust on the door, which creaked, but withstood the relatively slight force he was able to apply from his unbalanced position.
It is the holding of the body in an awkward or unbalanced position for long periods.
It is too bad that European countries present an unbalanced position on this matter.
Mr. Topalov is aggressive and uncompromising, striving for unbalanced positions.
That has led to an unbalanced position.
Black usually strives to neutralize White's advantage and achieve equality, or to develop dynamic counterplay in an unbalanced position.
"But the computer doesn't like to play in an unbalanced position," Mr. Khodarkovsky said.
The prevalent style of play for Black today is to seek dynamic, unbalanced positions with active counterplay, rather than merely trying to equalize.
The Sicilian and French Defenses lead to unbalanced positions that can offer exciting play with both sides having chances to win.
The main and most pertinent point of this year's report is the unbalanced budgetary positions in the majority of Member States.