I became the victim in what was a wholly unbalanced relationship.
If she hoped to emerge from this unbalanced relationship unscathed she needed to keep a distance, but she was treating him as less than a friend.
Rodney Rogers was prepared for the unbalanced relationship when he signed with the Nets before this season.
It is no surprise that such an unbalanced relationship would give the people of Remus cause to covet the abundance of their planet's companion world.
The most immediately dangerous is an unbalanced relationship between civilian and military power.
The single, XOXOXO deals with an unbalanced relationship where the individual is going through a lot of trouble but the other person is basically carefree.
Shinji and Asuka, who share a rather unbalanced relationship in the original NGE, are childhood friends.
The result is a number of unbalanced relationships that often end up in misery and divorce.
It's a very unbalanced relationship," she said, noting that, at $190 billion in commerce a year, Canada is our largest trading partner.
This unbalanced relationship can only multiply disputes.