A wave of unbearable agony always forced him back to his knees.
Con transformed into a creature whose only sensation was unbearable agony.
The longing inside me was an unbearable agony.
In other words, both of us have the power to cause you unbearable agony.
He jammed his teeth together, swayed his head, anything to stop the unbearable agony.
The man stopped whispering and screamed in utterly unbearable agony.
Suicide is a desperate attempt to get rid of unbearable agony.
And somehow, astonishingly, he adopted exactly the right tone to lead the shaken city through weeks of almost unbearable agony.
After half a mile it becomes (I am not exaggerating) an unbearable agony.
The right hand clutched at the earth in a gesture that spoke of unbearable agony.