An unbelievable feeling to finally get to that game.
After the match, Kennedy say the club have had a 'amazing' season and described this an unbelievable feeling.
Walking down the 18th fairway was an unbelievable feeling.
"It's just an unbelievable feeling," Schneider said of the victory.
"It was pretty much an unbelievable feeling," said Sanders.
"That would be an unbelievable feeling to make that."
"The ball in my glove was an unbelievable feeling," Foulke would say.
So many emotions today, and to be able to pull through and finish like we did, it's an unbelievable feeling.
When John Fisher announced me as winner, it was an unbelievable feeling.
"To hear the crowd cheer like that is an unbelievable feeling," Nolan said.