With a good deal of effort-it was unbelievably difficult to manage in the water-Clete finally got the life belt on.
Their unbelievably difficult journey towards food, water, and shelter had led them to none of those things.
"You'll have an unbelievably difficult time staying awake and alert."
"It's unbelievably difficult to choose music for this group," he said.
Take the new catalyst plant at Clitheroe; the whole project team has met unbelievably difficult performance standards.
I'm trying to lead these guys in to accomplish an unbelievably difficult objective.
"It was unbelievably difficult for me the first two days I was working on the show to be very present," he said.
The chains of cause and effect are unbelievably difficult to manipulate.
'You're minimizing an unbelievably difficult problem.9 'I don't think so.
"It was unbelievably difficult," Ms. Scott said of her pregnancy and the flood.