Kemp backed away until he felt the stone wall at his back, then stood and stared with unbelieving eyes.
He looked north along the turnpike, eyes wide and unbelieving.
Before their unbelieving eyes the vessel swung about and put slowly out to sea.
The first thing that he saw clearly was the face, which seemed to stare at the truncated body with unbelieving eyes.
And then, before his unbelieving eyes, the thing moved!
Pola stared at both of them with wide, unbelieving eyes.
He was still looking at Ben with those unbelieving black eyes.
He stood staring at it with wide unbelieving eyes.
Paul, his eyes wide and unbelieving, whispered, "Dad, will you say that again?"
Leaning forward, his eyes unbelieving, Cardona saw the change continue.