Unmanned exploration was once the virtually unblemished, high-minded face of space.
After several long moments, she edged away from him, a slight frown on her unblemished face.
A faint smile crept across the young man's unblemished face.
In 2004, Sebastião Salgado began a project named "Genesis," aiming at the presentation of the unblemished faces of nature and humanity.
Sleepy-eyed crew members blinked in surprise as he passed; their unblemished, fashion-sculpted faces seemed alien to him after the variety and chaos of Ventus.
No, he hadn't been mistaken: there was a shape in the wall's otherwise unblemished face.
Carl looked at the picture again, at that perfect, unblemished face.
On the wail facing the door hung that polished steel mask-the calm, beautiful replica of the unblemished face of the God Torak.
And so, with a queasy, buyer beware look on his unblemished face, the good loser unlocks the door of his private Midtown cubbyhole at Fox.
Maybe he wanted me to think it was lighthearted teasing; maybe he saw my unblemished face and forgot I had the brains of an Explorer.