It was an unpretentious company with an unblemished reputation, the kind of business concern that seldom grows large, but never fails.
Mr Browne has established her hitherto unblemished reputation for accuracy.
He said the company had had "an unblemished and excellent reputation" during 20 years of existence.
They carried with them an unblemished reputation of integrity and honesty.
Moreover, they must have an unblemished reputation for honesty and integrity.
By the early 1990's, the Government was casting about for someone with an unblemished reputation to restore public confidence.
Many defense supporters were also drawn to the case because of their faith in Mr. Artis, who had an unblemished reputation and no police record.
Mr Brobostigon is a man of unblemished reputation and with the highest regard for correct procedure.
And of the President's three principal handlers in the first term, he stands alone today with an unblemished reputation.
The Leabrook has an unblemished reputation for integrity.