Almost immediately, the Queen launched into a paroxysm of rage, struggling against the unbreakable chains that held it captive.
In the finale, he challenges Five Red to a "Chain Deathmatch" in which an unbreakable chain would link them together until one of them died.
It was as if he were shackled to the boat's timbers by an invisible and unbreakable chain they trusted to keep him aboard under any circumstances.
In Norse mythology, Hreiðmarr is the avaricious king of the Dwarves, who captured three gods with his unbreakable chains.
De Soya has checked; the platinum template still hangs from the unbreakable chain around his neck.
Saxon had made it plain from the start that he would accept no strings, and a child wasn't merely a string, it was an unbreakable chain.
Bestrei had it on an unbreakable chain, and now it was being torn another way.
Her feet and hands were bound by the unbreakable chains of Praxus, yet she ran in her mind, away from this terrible place, away from her father's corpse, away from Allukah.
Monkey can create as many clones of himself as there are hairs on his tail to do his bidding, while a single hair can also be transformed into an unbreakable chain on command.
Monkey gives them one of his hairs which will turn into an unbreakable magic chain on command to help.