She squirmed against him, struggled against his unbreakable hold as though she'd just woken from a dream.
His fingers caught one of the big tubes of the second ring of fire chambers with such unbreakable hold that the uncontrollable part of the journey ended.
The tattooed Exile struggled to free himself, but could not escape Joaquin's unbreakable hold.
Although Democrats had a 14-point plurality of registered voters, Jones had long been thought to have an unbreakable hold on this district.
Bowden's obsession with the Holocaust is a key plot device "wherein the past has this unbreakable hold on the present".
Another thick branch, the lowest on the great tree, wrapped about the trunk, encircling the tugging giant in an unbreakable hold.
Although Whitten had a nearly unbreakable hold on the district, it had been considered very likely that he would be succeeded by a Republican once he retired.
Bennett seemed to have an unbreakable hold on the seat; Fowler was only the seventh Republican to put up a challenge to him.
Twice he got the man in an unbreakable hold, then let him go, to show a willingness to accept the man's surrender.
Although he had built a nearly unbreakable hold on his district, he announced in 1994 that he wouldn't run for a seventh term.