Albert spun the cap off the beer while Nick fished an unbroken glass from the wreckage around the drinks trolley.
Still, he could see no sign of either, the shining black surface seemed unpierced, smooth as unbroken glass.
Here the walls were all glass unbroken by a single strut or muntin, and the view took the gunslinger's breath away.
It is linked to a two-story classroom building with a sheer wall of unbroken glass.
There wasn't a single glass unbroken in the kitchen, but miraculously a bottle of gin had survived intact in the shambles.
It is as if you had taken powdered glass and turned it back into the unbroken glass of that window.
There was electricity: yellow lights shining from houses that still stood; bright bluish white fluorescent light from stores with unbroken glass in their windows.
He didn't make any comment, but found an unbroken glass and filled it with Valpolicella.
Sarah snatched it from Mary's hands, ramming the flash deflectored muzzle through a pane of unbroken glass.
The Rub Al Kali desert was a solid sheet of glass unbroken to the horizon.