At no spot in North America have we been able to find an unbroken sequence of rocks from earliest basement to recent sediment.
Again they were without a pair, running this time in unbroken sequence from two to six.
This included an unbroken sequence of 423 consecutive County Championship matches between 1954 and 1969, which is still the record number.
In an unbroken sequence, the deeper the samples were found, the older the dates became.
"I could tell just knowing you as I do that your life is a long unbroken sequence of self-sacrifice and concern for others."
Naturally broken sequences Record keys often do not start as an unbroken sequence.
Younger was capped by Scotland 24 times, in an unbroken sequence spanning three years.
The principal numbers used were gearbox numbers, as these fell in two unbroken sequences.
Each packet consists of an unbroken sequence of 16-bit symbols.
The collection boasts an unbroken sequence of 29 volumes from 1886 through to 1964.