The were surrounded on all sides by the unbroken walls of Arthana's room.
Along the edge of the sea the cliff rose in an unbroken, perpendicular wall.
There was nothing to see but unbroken concrete walls in all directions.
Behind us was an unbroken wall covering all that space in which but a moment before we had stood!
Stone fell sheer from where he stood, rose above in an unbroken wall.
Stopped, at the end of the gallery, at what seemed to be a blank unbroken wall.
Thrusting out our heads, we saw an unbroken wall both above and below.
In front, where the opening to the cave bad been, was an unbroken wall of compacted snow.
Again, the human went hurtling into an unbroken wall of customers.
Drafts from the trade winds keep the room cool, and there is very little unbroken wall.