During the relief of Khe Sanh, unbroken waves of six aircraft, attacking every three hours, dropped bombs as close as 900 feet from friendly lines.
A golden streak of lightning flashes, flares, flashes down at an unbroken wave climbing above its sisters.
Instead, he conveyed it with the continuous ramp, which he described as "an unbroken wave," and with the visual unity of interior and exterior that the spiral helped create.
The other comfort was the Brahms Second Symphony on Sunday afternoon; its familiar elements poured out seemingly in one unbroken, liquid wave.
These values include thorough virtuosity, grim intensity, industrial-strength power and a blanket legato approach calculated to subsume many phrases into one unbroken wave of smoothness.
There is little actual forward motion of individual water particles in an unbroken wave, despite the large amount of energy and momentum it may carry forward.
On the ramp, the slabs that supported the chevrons interrupted a coil that Wright had designed to evoke an "unbroken wave."
The mine tailings that sit above town look just as they did in photos from the 1890s, a series of unbroken rust-colored waves frozen in ominous time above the village.
It allows the participant to drop in on their own unbroken wave, feel the power and acceleration, carve a turn, do maneuvers and cut back.
Wright compared the Guggenheim spiral to an unbroken wave.