Doctors must repeatedly harvest skin from the same unburned area, allowing time for healing in between.
This leaves no burned area too far from unburned areas, which act as sources of new seeds and wildlife.
Lightly burned or unburned areas provide a reservoir of seeds that revitalize more heavily burned acreage.
Stands of some of the best quality Adirondack hardwoods exist in the covelike pockets of the unburned area in the northeast.
With small burns, new skin sometimes grows in from unburned areas.
They found that three species of songbirds, including two types of warblers, declined by more than 80 percent compared with those in unburned areas.
"Any unburned areas have the potential of burning."
Before the debridement, as yesterday's procedure is called, small unburned areas of Dr. Shabazz's own skin were removed, four sections of about two square inches each.
Friend Fletcher, the size and outline of the unburned area are suggestive.
The dry conditions and mostly wood buildings set the stage for a runaway conflagration, as a hot wind carried flaming embers to unburned areas which quickly caught fire.