The situation was uncannily similar to a scene in her book.
The positions he takes are in many ways uncannily similar.
His name is uncannily similar to sanitorium where, it would appear, many in Iowa who voted for this guy belong.
He looked uncannily similar to a human who realized he'd put his foot in it.
And the two cities' tales are in some ways uncannily similar.
The predicament is uncannily similar to the one the president's father had to deal with in 1990.
It was uncannily similar to what happened to him; the emotional impact was profound.
As subsequent chapters arrive, they begin to depict events uncannily similar to Angel's own recent history.
Somewhere in the dark far behind him arose a sound uncannily similar to the rattling of a realng snake's tail.
For both men, the first sight of the other must have been peculiar indeed, for they were uncannily similar in appearance.