His exoskeleton provides him with an uncanny degree of protection from attacks, and also provides life support (filtering/recycling his air and providing sustenance when needed).
Standard was right; the layout mimicked, to an uncanny degree, the instrument set on the early fleet courier vessels.
His appearance was thus not only impressive but in a certain degree uncanny.
Admiral the patient's tilde ightmares coincide with the historical account to an uncanny degree.
What the Vienna Philharmonic players achieve to an uncanny degree is unanimity of musical purpose.
"The maps suddenly line up with current coastlines to an uncanny degree," he said, showing the Chinese must have gotten that far west and south.
To an uncanny degree, the story of the recent welfare revolution is a story of David Ellwood's ideas.
As such, the followers of Sinanju learned to develop their senses and minds to an uncanny degree as well.
The slow, sad stepping motion of the music matched this long, silent procession to an almost uncanny degree.
These actors not only had the look of the originals; to an uncanny degree, they carried on their causes.