Having blundered, Blaise was forced to contend with his wife's uncanny memory for dates and numbers.
I have always had an uncanny memory for telephone numbers.
Still, Bledsoe admits being frustrated by Parcells's uncanny memory, especially for mistakes - how he'll bring up something that happened three weeks ago in practice.
One of the most amazing things was his uncanny memory.
She had an encyclopedic brain and an uncanny memory.
Keller, Shattuck says, was being punished for her uncanny memory and fluency, the very things she should have been praised for.
She possessed an uncanny memory and recalled painful detail, in perfect clarity, that she had been told by the physician from India.
I discovered that he was a very competent businessman with an uncanny memory for small details.
Also, he has an uncanny memory.
He has an uncanny memory for key details.