However, the whole season was overshadowed by Bayern's unceremonious exit from the Champions League in the first group stage, without so much as a single win in six matches.
But they remember ground zero - Leonard Marshall's signing with the Jets, Eric Dorsey's unceremonious exit.
A year after the abrupt ouster of Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto, her successor, Nawaz Sharif, is widely believed to be under threat of an equally sudden and unceremonious exit.
Mr. Bertelli's determination to keep a viselike grip on distribution led to Prada's recent unceremonious exit from Bergdorf Goodman.
But after a while her unceremonious exits, reminiscent of Soviet ballerinas' habits of hitching up their tutus onstage, began to pall, as did the performers' frequent sly encouragement of audience response.
Despite his unceremonious exit from Portsmouth he enjoyed his time playing there and persuaded fellow Split born Croat Nico Kranjcar to join the club.
With this unceremonious exit Bundle rushed upstairs, put a hat on, slipped into her fur coat and was ready to start.
It was uplifting to see Mr. Duke back on the runways after his unceremonious exit from Halston last summer.
Wilder then turned his back on Jackson and began to chat with bystanders, leaving his rival to make an unceremonious exit.
A1 Pakistan's leader, Nawaz Sharif, is widely believed to be under threat of a sudden and unceremonious exit only a year after the abrupt ouster of Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto.