And only human beings are capable of adapting to the inevitable uncertainties posed by space travel.
Abbey National broke off merger talks with the Bank of Scotland, citing the continued uncertainty posed by the Lloyds TSB Group, whose own takeover proposal for Abbey National is under investigation by British regulators.
The company has begun to review claims under the settlement, he said, despite the uncertainty posed by the appeals process.
The Ski Train was burdened with escalating costs such as liability insurance coverage, operational conflicts with freight traffic, and substantial uncertainties posed by redevelopment of Denver's Union Station.
BUSINESS DAY C1-20 Markets Shrug Off Events Financial markets around the world shrugged off the uncertainty posed by the American military strikes on Iraq and the looming impeachment vote in the House of Representatives.
It was true they had toyed with the idea of trying it someday but the uncertainties posed by contraction effects, as revealed by Einstein, had been as discouraging as the still-unsolved question of propulsion.
But for now, the castle was a secure place in the world, away from the uncertainties posed by the covert strike force hunting him.
In return, tobacco companies and investors would get relief from the uncertainty posed by hundreds of pending lawsuits.
Financial markets around the world shrugged off the uncertainty posed by the American military strikes on Iraq and the looming impeachment vote in the House of Representatives as investors viewed both events as potentially serious but had little doubt about the outcome.
And they point toward the possibility that growth will allow Chinese leaders to work their way out of the deep economic uncertainty posed by a failing state sector and its danger of widespread unemployment.