Company officials say that the uncertainty raised by the new law makes it far more difficult for them to raise $300 million they need to go forward.
The FDA agrees that, due to the uncertainties raised in some studies relating to the potential effects of low dose exposure to bisphenol A, additional research would be valuable.
Colombia, for example, demands conservationists' attention despite the uncertainties raised by its guerrilla war, he said, adding, "If a country is rich in diversity it's very dangerous to write it off because of temporary difficulties."
"There is no question that the uncertainty raised by the possession claim is doing damage," Mr. Eannace said.
The uncertainties raised by the case were disturbing to patients.
But the uncertainty aroused by these considerations, the uncertainties raised by optical illusions, misperceptions, delusions, etc., are not the end of the problems.
Kendall Square issued its findings today in order to "dispel uncertainties raised by these accounting issues and to permit the company to move forward with its business plan," the company said in a news release.
In addition, 122 districts are negotiating new contracts this year, and the uncertainty raised by the budget pronouncements last week are likely to cause a great deal of contention in that process.
Because of the uncertainties raised by the cracks, officials decided to take the other express trains out of service.
After the nuclear criticality accident at Tokaimura last September and the technical uncertainties raised by falsified plutonium fuel data, Japan should abandon its plutonium dreams and pursue offshore wind power instead.