The uncertainty of the era resulted in widespread popularity of fantastical, escapist fare.
These uncertainties may result in slight, unintended breaches of the 150 kiloton threshold.
This uncertainty of supply has resulted in major production problems for the industry which must endure periods of up to a year without the arrival of any spat.
However, with the 274th and 275th Regiments still at large, uncertainty resulted in growing tension among 1 ATF.
Deterministic chaos deals with systems of unpredictable determinism, but the uncertainty does not result in pure randomness but rather in complex patterns.
Unemployment rates are still unacceptably high as uncertainty from Washington has resulted in many employers either reducing their workforce or pulling capital out of the marketplace.
Triggered by the financial crisis in 2008, the subsequent global economic uncertainty has resulted in a slowdown in consumer demand.
However the system might have been established, great confusion and uncertainty resulted.
Economic uncertainty caused by financial mismanagement and corruption, combined with shortages of basic goods, has resulted in some domestic unrest.
In any case, the uncertainty resulting from trying to have it both ways will result in the worst possible outcome: open civil war.