The Florio campaign, whose style throughout the race has been a hard-hitting and swift attack against Mrs. Whitman at every turn, was uncharacteristically slow to respond today.
Lenton looked down at his desk, then stood up, uncharacteristically slow; Laurence for the first time noticed that his hair was grey and thin.
On a recent Sunday, Max Shapiro, a San Francisco dealer, was having what he called an uncharacteristically slow day.
Lost in thought, his steps uncharacteristically slow and heavy, Gabriel made his way toward the abandoned cottage.
The favorites survived, but many races were uncharacteristically slow.
Goaltender John Vanbiesbrouck was uncharacteristically slow to react on a second- period play behind his own net, leading to the final goal of the game.
Cromwell was uncharacteristically slow in coming into action and his wing was thrown back by a charge by Goring's remaining cavalry under Goring himself.
This was, they told me, an uncharacteristically slow morning.
His reply is uncharacteristically slow.
From the beginning against the Toronto Raptors, the Nets were unequivocally flat and uncharacteristically slow.