The policy defined "sensitive but unclassified data" as information whose "disclosure, loss, misuse, alteration or destruction" could "adversely affect national security or other Federal Government interests."
For most people who wanted to decrypt unclassified data, an exhaustive search is likely to be too much trouble and expense.
Yet dancing across my screen was just what he'd described: sensitive but unclassified data.
Scope of the Network The Arpanet network, a system on which 300 universities, private research companies and military experts exchange information, handles only unclassified data.
The term appears to mean that users of sensitive but unclassified data networks would be identified so that "security-relevant events" could be traced.
He said it included large amounts of unclassified data mixed in with the weapons secrets.
The scale of the operations at the NSA is hard to determine from unclassified data; some 18,000 parking spaces are visible in photos of the site.
Gomez has access to all the mathematics he could hope for and a great mass of unclassified and declassified nuclear data.
If nothing else, we can assemble all unclassified data regarding the Low Continuum, and maybe some that aren't.
But in the last few years, as computers have become ever more sophisticated and numerous, Federal officials have become increasingly concerned about unclassified data as well.