The primary purpose is to ensure the security of our unclassified systems and to safeguard classified information.
At Los Alamos, the review team was able to penetrate the unclassified system only while they were actually at the laboratory.
Of course, they have some unclassified systems too, doing ordinary science.
"Can you get into a classified system through an unclassified system?"
He admits only to a security infraction in downloading information and placing it on an unclassified system, and says, "I deserved to be punished for it."
Officials have said that those files were then accessed by someone from the unclassified system.
Floppy disk drives on computers on the unclassified system have been disabled or sealed in recent weeks, but not on the classified computers, officials said.
But there is evidence that someone got into the files after they moved to the unclassified system.
Such unclassified systems at the labs have been successfully attacked by outsiders, according to the 1998 intelligence report.
But officials said they have found evidence that someone retrieved the renamed files that had been switched to the unclassified system.