Maui was weakened when Kalanikupule and his uncle, Kaeokulani, fought over the succession to the throne.
Had it been with the King, her uncle, Norman of Torn had fought otherwise than he has this day.
My mother, aunts and uncles fought for the crumbs.
During his childhood, his father and his uncle fought over their inheritance.
But her father and her uncle fought over her continually, dragging her into their lifelong feud, trying to get her to take sides.
My uncle fought in the war with my father.
And I do not see how your uncle can fight it, even if the Sword that you are bringing him is magic as you say.
I know my uncle has fought your people throughout his career, but our peoples are working toward peace, now.
They fell upon the caravan and my uncle and cousins fought bravely but were slain.
His uncle, who could not be reached, will not fight the town, Mr. Sanchez said.