My father's love for Robeson was one of the few uncomplicated joys we shared.
Her face lit with a smile of pure uncomplicated joy, and Logan caught his breath.
There are moments of uncomplicated joy and affection, in early bounding runs and gentle and thwacking embraces.
The colors and motion, the bright blue of the day spoke of good times, leisure, and joy uncomplicated by anything but the vagary of the breeze.
Over her shoulder, Taniquel glimpsed his face, eyes closed in an expression of uncomplicated joy.
The concealed visual sensors between the screens showed Blaize's freckled, snub-nosed face alight with pure, uncomplicated joy.
It had been such uncomplicated joy.
Simple, uncomplicated joy; the same joy that he'd had in his friendship with Urtho and had thought he had lost.
A shot of uncomplicated joy is surely a social boon.
Christmas is a shot of uncomplicated joy......